
Showing posts from January, 2022



Lingaya's Public School Implements a Fair Assessment Policy

 Educational research and practice globally is struggling to arrive at the right definition of a Fair Assessment Policy that would apply at the school level. Is it only a question of marks and grades that determine whether the boy or girl is successful? If that is really the case, how it is that inconsistency in performance is often observed, like a child scoring 90% in an examination and 40% the next. On the other hand, it is often seen that bookworms who have practiced no other skill are systematically scoring very high grades. Such a child may not understand the practical aspects of life and be unfit for work in the real world. Purpose of education According to the social classes, education and training mean different things. According to one definition, education is a preparation for life, but another believes that education is life itself. As the world is getting more materialistic, it is realized that ROI applies to education like everything else. If lifeactivities can be ...

Active Learning As Teaching Strategies

 Most people recall their high school and undergraduate education in fragments. Atoms possess a property called valency. Great Britain has no constitution, but is a constitutional monarchy Many students have trouble using such discrete, disembodied facts. Yet most people define "education" as the delivery and storage of such "facts" and think of lectures as the most efficient form of delivery. However, how many of us can accurately and concisely explain how blood courses through the body? How changes in interest rates affect stock market indicators or currency exchange rates? And how does a bill move through Congress ? This paper introduces a version of active learning called problem-based learning (PBL). Several factors are reshaping the educational environment and compelling teachers to reconsider how and what to teach. Business is restructuring. Governmen t is trying to restructure. Our economy and culture are in flux. Why should schools and their curricula and ...

Treating All Students Equitably In Terms Of Teacher Attention

 t stands to reason that treating all students equitably in terms of teacher attention and behavior would increase the academic achievement of the students in general and improve classroom climate; this reasoning is supported by a plethora of research. The research also confirms a commonly held view that male students get more attention than female students, regardless of the teacher's gender. Racial/ethnic attributes in students are also linked to differentiated teacher expectations. To summarize this research in broad strokes, the Pygmalion effect is widespread and, ironically, is communicated to students in ways that would otherwise be effective teaching practices, if only carried out equity. The following descriptions of teaching practices will be couched in a traditional lecture-discussion model of teaching. This does not mean that I present this practice as being the most effective, but I do believe it is a commonly used mode of instruction. Secondly, these practices are not...